Update your card information

You received an email about a failed payment because the card you used to sign-up is expired or has been replaced with a new card.  You can update your card information by going to Update Your Payment Method menu on our website.  ...

What is DNS?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the foundations of the internet, yet most people outside of networking probably don’t realize they use it every day to do their jobs, check their email or waste time on their...

CGNAT Network

Private IP’s affecting router settings (CGNAT) Carrier Grade Network Address Translation or CGNAT is a new way Internet Service Providers are using to address the shortage of IP addresses worldwide. Your internet connection will no longer have its own public IP...

You only have mobile devices at home – no worries

Connecting TRAAFIC with your kids 4G & 5G devices on the go when not using Wifi at home on their Andriod & Apple devices is simple. Click here for more information on how to install the app. You will need to login using your email address and the password you...